NYC Youth & Gaming, part 2: Managing Feelings, Shaping Identities

In this post we will look at how NYC teens use video games to manage their feelings and shape their identity. This is the second of four posts (the previous being Re-centering Around Agency). 5. GAMES THEY PLAY The 20 youth in the Gaming Advisory were asked to list...

eSports Students Use Video Games for College Outreach

This past week I had the pleasure of producing an eSporting event led by City College of New York students for Harlem Week. Harlem Week is an annual celebration of “the best of Harlem.” CCNY, located in West Harlem, offered a number of activities this year, and I was...

Curated List of Games for Civic Identity

This month I had the pleasure of working with Andy Robertson, who founded and runs the amazing Family Video Game Database, to highlight a collection of video games that can develop a deep sense of civic identity. If you are new to FVGD, you have to go check it out....
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