Big News: My Sondheim Book Has Found Its Publisher

After 26 rejections, my amazing agent, Eric Myers secured a placement with Applause Books, America’s foremost publisher of theatre, cinema, and TV books. I am beyond thrilled! Matching Minds with Sondheim will invite readers on a journey into the rich but largely...

Exhausted/Elated by Day 4 of the Games For Change Festival

Can I tell you something? I’m exhausted! It’s the start of day 4 (of 5) of the 20th anniversary of the Games For Change Festival. Since March of 2020 I have worked from my home office. All day, I Zoom with my colleagues and clients around the world – it’s social – but...

Twenty Years of Games For Change

Twenty years ago, I was part of a wonderful collection of people who, together, created Games For Change. Tomorrow begins an incredible week in which what was once a half-day affair with a few dozen will now be spread over five days, beginning at the UN and ending...

How To Write An Essay On A Book

When it comes to writing an essay on a book, there are a few things you want to keep in mind. First, you want to make sure that you understand the assignment and that you are clear on what your professor is looking for. Then, you want to read the book closely, taking...

How To Plan A National Park Road Trip

A national park road trip is a great way to see some of the most beautiful and iconic landscapes in the United States. National parks are scattered all over the country, so there is no shortage of options when planning your trip. However, there are a few things to...
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